Monday, March 31, 2008

Arts Festival (continued)



Shinghwee ma'am

JiaYun ma'am

esther yeo

Hong Zhou (he's being bullied)

yeo + bek + yuhua



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Arts Festival 2008

So long never help out in event le.. haha.. arts festival is definately an event i'm not going miss helping next year :)

i had really really lots of fun la.. helping out at traffic marshal, bringing links and cadets around, and also watching their performance.... being ICs is not easy.. Qx and alvin thought me alot from this event though i was only a last last min assigned assistant chief marshal... i've learnt alot..
1. links are really really hard to handle.. :X
2. really must have good brains to react to all situaution fast..
3. dreaming is good!! haha

i stand for very long, and missed some of the performance but i had lots of fun taking photos with baoyu, esther, hongzhou, yuhua, stephen.. we are really a bunch of crazy ppl la.. muhaha..

my girls of JWSS dun be upset that you didn't win any awards.. remember its not all about winning.. i'm sure you gals learnt alot from this competition right?? to me you are already the champion.. even some of the instructors say you gals deserves the winning tittles.. but there was really tough fight between all the schools.. its okie jwss didn't win, at least you girls made impressions.. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

today is not my day k!! mary you need to learn how to control you crazy mind.. dun always assume and think far too much.. and you always look at the negative side only.. hey that should not be the way k.... mary take your time and think slow and act responsibly..

junwei heng sia.. saturday and sunday no need see your face!! wahlao meeting him up like monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday!! everyday!! haha..

i can feel that XX is irritated by me.. dun ask me how i know.. but i just sense it... so i'll be keeping distance from XX.. no more messaging to XX.. no more wallpaper on my phone.. no more meet ups.. everything NO MORE!!!

k i'm going to bed.. i hope tml can be a better day for me!! nights all!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

my saturday :(

meet up with junwei again la.. sianned.. haha.. we went dating at town area!! haha.. no la.. who will bother to meet at 0945 for a date when no shops are open.. we meet for recee for arts festival la.. stupid junwei dunno where's the place la.. GOSH!! he got me to sms jiayun ma'am to ask for the place.. jiayun ma'am replied with some alien names which we dun know.. i guess we are really kukus.. then guozhong called.. asking where are we.. and told us how to get there.. but still we dunno la.. so how?? we ended up taking a cab at near shaw.. we thought that place is some "wulu" place la.. then when we alight.. we were like WAH!!! if you are going for arts fest this saturday you will know.. then we went walking walking around the place.. so boring for me la.. cos i'm like "extra" just there to accompany junwei... but i didn't waste the trip cos i saw jiayun ma'am and alfian sir!! i miss them so much la!!! we left at 11.00 to meet nicky and the rest for lunch..

we took cab back to orchard, then train from orchard to woodlands.. junwei slept all the way la.. haha.. can see that his really tired.. i should have too a picture of him sleeping.. next time next time.. JUNWEI XIAOXIN la.. xuan called asking where am i.. i told her i'm with junwei.. reaching soon.. guess what she said?? got junwei dun want her le la.. haha.. i'm not that kind of ppl... junwei is not "ahem ahem" then lunch la.. talk talk.. and byebye to my "boyfriend" junwei.. off to ndp!!

okie la.. ndp was cool for the first time.. but i felt weird, cos i ACO.. the 0908 also ACO.. cadets sure think this ma'am rank so small still want action action.. i tell you wait after promotion you know.. chey.. so long never command until shoick shoick liao.. enjoy myself shouting haha.. took pictures with all the instructors.. this yr cadets footdrill de standard overall was not bad.. no47!! your footdrill was really good.. haha.. you know why?? he's my cadet leh.. haha.. ahteck of css.. when i trained him 1 to 1 i already know he got potential okie.. if i have the chance to train him again i'm going to pass everything i know to him.. i love NDP!!!

i got sick.. caught a flu.. i guess it's due to the sudden change in weather.. one moment it's super sunny, the next moment it's pouring heavily.. on top of that, i'm competing my commanding with the noisy rain.. worst still that idiot made me angry.. my mood changed so suddenly that i got sick.. real sick.. if you dun apologise i wont talk to you!! IDIOT!!


Friday, March 21, 2008


i left home at 8.40? planned to go pioneer mall to help baoyu take his PSP la.. i thought i would be late, so i sms alvin imforming him to meet later.. then he mention that shop never open so early.. yar right.. so i head straight to take 179 instead la.. i thought i would be late sia.. luckily alvin took same train as me at cck.. meeting baoyu at yewtee, we stepped out and receive his call saying take this train.. haha like kuku la.. get out then go in again.. haha.. talk talk until wah so fast orchard le.. then to HQ.. like i mention.. help alvin.. do what?? label the logistics in the cupboards of rcy room.. the room super messy la, with alot alot alot of stuffs inside.. we started working.. then derek, benjamin, weiren joined us.. finished everything around 12.45 ba..

*check us playing and working at the same time*

then went plaza singapore KFC for lunch.. ben,alvin,baoyu had 2pieces of chicken details i also dunno la.. then me baoyu and alvin head to simlim.. they upgraded their RAM.. now their lappy not just can run but can fly lor!!! yar then walk walk see see, i bought nothing cos i already "pock" le.. :( then went to bugis junction for icecream!! thats my lunch not dessert le alvin!! haha... the Cookie and Chip de really really nice!!! alvin and baoyu sat there to copare the speed of there lappy.. then we left, alvin headed back to hq..

*my cone ice-cream, and alvin's Venezia*

me and baoyu headed home.. actually not la.. we went to pioneer mall to claim baoyu's PSP.. when baoyu was keeping his PSP there's this little girl who stood outside the shop staring at him la.. i made fun and say "baoyu you bullied her?? why she keep looking at you" haha.. can you imagine?? a girl of 4 yrs attracted to him.. me?? i stood there laughing laughing.. MUHAHAHAHA!!! evil la.. then while we walk out of the place to the other end that little still staring at him!!! haha.. baoyu you too cute liao la.. see.. its unbearable to stop looking at you even though she's just a little girl.. muhaha!! yar.. then send him to train station.. and i took bus home..

i really love going out with alvin and baoyu!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well i'm busy with for the whole week la..

monday SUPPOSED to go for TF3 meeting.. i meet up with alvin at clementi heading to dhobygauht.. at commonwealth anniegay called saying meeting cancel.. WAH!!! so we end up hanging around at bugis-simlim.. alvin bought milktea for 2bucks with lousy service and tasteless pearls! what nonsense!!! we went around buying some computer and phone stuffs.. also talking nonsense.. then MacDonald for dinner.. i ordered macfurry and alvin had macchicken? haha i dun rmb cos i dun eat them.. and home..
tuesday again meeting alvin la, together with benjamin.. well had dinner in some foodcourt at yewtee.. alvin took 1 plate of rice and 1 plate of dunno some oyster with egg stuff, whatever.. benjamin had chicken rice ba, or izzit duck rice.. i also dunno.. haha.. me? i got bubbletea, alvin got 1 too la.. compared to what he had yesterday it was definately better!! then head to baoyu grandfather wake.. we can find his plcae la.. we walked to block 62* then 60* then still cannot find la.. called baoyu like 3 times then finally found 68*.. alvin la, say he knows the way... haha.. k la me and ben went "shang xiang" then sat there for 1hr plus talking talking.. haha.. talk until 9+ then go home..

wednesday i went poly enrolment.. went there all alone.. cant imagine that i went there all alone la.. haha.. some idiot promised to go with me la.. but its not proud to mention names.. just F***OFF.. i went to body checkup alone, then to the bank for payments alone.. then to SP alone.. haha.. completed the whole enrolment process alone.. muhaha.. then went home, planned to get some rest.. but ended up chatting with my sister.. really long never talk to her liao.. chat for 2 hrs... haha.. then meet up with baoyu and lixuan for NDP briefing.. xuan was late la.. i sms her that "orh hor, you late, we dun wait for you le, bye" guess what she replied? "you are not mary meh meh.. she will sure wait for me de" haha.. as usual we talk talk for the whole journey.. then to PS to buy dinner.. bought nicky his chocolate, thats usual routine.. we were abit late la.. supposed to reach at 7 but hehe we reach at 7.10.. we thought qiuyu sir will be late so we slowly.. how i know when we reach he was already sitted la.. gosh!! haha.. then briefing blar blar blar.. 1st training starts this saturday!! so excited!! i really love NDP!!! with all the ppl and cadets and fun and everything.. meeting ends 9+ took train home.. as uaual we talk talk talk throughout the journey.. then blink, clementi la.. so fast.. byebye lixuan and baoyu.. home sweet home..

later will be meeting alvin and baoyu and benjamin heading to HQ to pack logistics.. its my 3rd time meeting alvin and baoyu la... that not going to end.. i'll be seeing alvin again on saturday for arts festival recee!! gosh!!! monday see he face again for post mortem.. aiyo.. haha.. JUNWEI ah JUNWEI!!! haha..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

i feel like pulling out of NDP'08
cos of some stupid lame reason
bettina and lixuan knows

i'll see how after the meeting on wednesday.. if things remains the same i shall quit..

goodbye to NDP'08!! i cant make that difference..
i'm in no mood..
that boy who i made fun had lotsa fun with have fallen sick.. his not feeling well... i didn't ask much cos i just wanna him to rest.. i guess cos he hasn't had enough rest.. if like that i wouldn't have got him to help me with logistics and asked him along for movie le.. ):
hey must take care of yourself okie.. anyone who visit my blog.. just pray for him that he'll get well soon k..
now i'm not feeling well le.. feeling my heart sinking.. feeling like vomitting but nothing came out.. you get well and i'll be fine (:
okie well good night!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


wah.. its time for me to write my camp report.. hehe..

Well i left home late la, then took a cab down which cost me $8!! then put my bags down only, start work liao.. going around the block to paste classroom labels.. i rmb last yr i helped junwei, this yr i'm doing it alone.. while i'm doing this other instructors wont free hanging around k.. they helped the poor logistics IC to bring down all the logistics from the RC room to logistics room.. all the way from the 4th storey to ground.. well i forgotten to say " THANK YOU my fellow instructors.." then got some breifings and yar time for cadets to report.. i helped out in collecting money.. haha.. at least i contribute.. then they went for their area cleaning.. i went to see see since i got nth to do... next up was games.. okie la.. can say much, cos i wasn't there.. then lunch.. after that was lesson.. GOSH.. no logistics was prepared for OA.. cos its either they wont requested (from what i know) or i dunno.. ropes wont cut too.. then shinghwee cut ropes, i went to photocopy notes la.. super super nonsense.. after i finished photocoping.. i was like wah.. super free.. walking around to kpo.. next up was evening run.. super super tough la.. QX lead the run.. his damn fit la.. do pumping, crunches all like no kick.. envy le junwei.. haha.. you will be like him in 2yrs time.. then had dinner.. platoon time (bathing time for me and bettina) haha.. yar then got lessons again.. me? sat at the back of FD classroom chatting with junwei.. then was washup time for the smelly cadets.. me?? haha i sat in the canteen with bettina chatting for 1hr.. haha.. never did that before, not even in NDP.. she is really a great jiejie to me.. you rocks!! then got debreif with supper.. then lights off.. i slept for 30mins?? then at 0130 bettina woke me up for firedrill.. know what? keane scolded them and............ me and junwei nearly went CRAZY!!! junwei nearly yell at keane and........... me?? i went scratching me head "wah!! what he trying to do!!" worst still 6 boys were in the bucks sleeping.. all become roasted meat le la... they took like more than 15 mins to report.. okie after some scoldings they went to bed.. but poor instructors had debrief.. me and junwei with mslee went to check if there was any missing sheep.. then got to bed at around 0230..

what a great sleep.. woke up at 6.. washup and Physical Exercise.. wah.. thats what i've been waiting for man.. haha.. this time PT was no kick to me.. haha.. then got breakfast.. next up was lesson la.. i got changed into bettina's uniform.. her skirt was DAMN short la.. gosh.. lucky i got no elephant legs, if not i sure cry!! then ya accred for bronze la.. next was supposed to be lunch.. but poor m&m went out in courtshoes and full uniform just to buy some stupid plastic bags.. GOSH!!! took us 1hr to go out and come back.. some ppl thought we were patrolling searching for mas selamat.. lame!! it was a new experience and one that i will never wanna do again.. walking around in uniform.. while walking back, it started to rain... lucky mas and fulin came to the resue.. haha.. THANK YOU!! guess what poor mary had for lunch?? half an egg, proudly sponsored by loretta.. if wasnt her, i guess i'll be skipping lunch... THANK YOU LORETTA!! for the rest? they ate veggiies for lunch.. poor thing.. ya continue with lesson.. now moving on to silver.. wah i nearly vomit blood la.. dun want to comment much.. overall was still "okay" next up was platoon time cum campfire vetting.. then then was evacuation execise.. cool?? it's not.. totally full of nonsense.. due to some dunno whatever reasons.. esther got shoick and was sent to hospital.. for this event i shall not comment anymore further.. then cadets got wash up, debrief cum supper.. and was chased to sleep... we instructors?? ended up in some clarification meeting.. which i think was neccessary since something happened.. lights off for us was at 2plus, 3?? i bathe and lay flat to sleep..

DT for the day!! usual la.. woke up at 6.. IC was huimin (tell me if i rmb her name wrongly).. then got PT.. i lead the warming up while junwei took over for run.. k la.. it was quite a tough one for the cadets i think.. IC was changed to JingJing (JM your sister la) then was breakfast.. next up was briefing, preparations, checkings and all la.. all the programme runs smoothly.. of course la.. must see who DT what.. chey!! IC did a great job too.. junwei say my choice was not bad.. of course la.. i'm nice pig le junwei!! haha.. yar then was hike to chinese garden.. WHERE IS OUR STRETCHER?? shoopid right.. never prepare it out.. leaving all 7 of them resting at HY.. lameshit.. keane tried improvising it using ponchos.. while playing it started raining.. lameshit la.. we moved from like boon lay to pasir ris.. then got settled down for game.. loretta was busy taking photos.. me?? haha climbing some rope pyramid and busy chatting with mslee and junwei la.. then was lunch.. then cleaning up.. tarta.. DT changed.. baoyu took over.. then walked back to HY from chinese garden.. then 2 hours of nth to do for me.. i went to bathe(as usual) it was campfire preparations and vetting.. after everything was done we setup the campfire.. quite lame to move the structure in and out and in and out.. when we finally decided to have 2 structure.. so lame.. well dinner sucks for me.. so i ask my dear YO mr wong to get mos burger for me.. THANKYOU!!! i didnt have the mood for campfire.. partly cos i'm afraid that something might happen to esther.. but mostly cos i mood swing.. some1 bullied me.. ya.. the 1 who bullied me last yr.. yes you la!! idiot.. luckily i got my mood back.. THANKYOU MILDRED!! campfire was interupted.. i went up to crime scene.. i got Baoyu to go up with me.. haha.. hey ppl, the marking of the dead body was mine.. the foot print was mine too... so i killed myself.. haha.. lame.. then went for campfire again.. we manage to sarbotage KEANE [THE BIG RED MACHINE *BUUSSSH*] haha.. guess what he did?? i say dun bully him leh.. yet he stood right in front... GOSH!!! then he was the head of the thousand legged worm.. with 2 RED light sticks with he himself holding on to it... muhahaha!!! then was CSI.. haha.. mas was killed.. not by me.. by baoyu... everyone thought it was me la... haha.. hey my acting skills not bad de k... CHEY!! ya then debrief, supper.. baoyu,nicepig,junwei sat together for debrief.. haha.. i was sitting in between 2 cute guys with mole on their cheek.. a lucky moment for me.. dun envy okay.. muhahahahaha.. lights off 0200

i planned to wake up only at 7.. guess what.. there was causulty and i woke up at 0530.. and i cant get back to sleep la.. then i took over as safety ic cos keane was no where to be found.. WAHLAO!!! then he appeared, and i got nth to do... so i went walking around with baoyu.. talking, playing with walkie.. scolding the stupid vendors and everything.. yar.. breakfast came and next was mildred's parade lesson.. esther kept chasing me to go rest cos she know i hadn't had enough rest.. but did i listen? no la.. my battery was like empty le.. so baoyu and benjamin helped to make me high.. guess what they did?? they play with walkie and disturb some construction workers... super funny la.. the last message sent to them was my me " ai lo hor liao, pang kang liao" i hope they dun get my message and really went home... i was the reviewing officer together with junwei... whats so funny?? xinxuan reported this "ma'am the ready is ready for inspection ma'am" wahlaowei... laugh like hell lah... so whats my reply.. NO!! he stunt there lah.. then got area cleaning.. me and junwei and esther got so high and crazy that we 3 went shouting PROJECT-NCOS!! NCOS-1VOICE1MINDWHOOAT!!! benjamin was superhero he did most of the job.. cos it was deal between us that he will choing for day 4... kinda of kanna bully but too bad.. sorry ben.. haha.. yar got inspections and prize giving.. blar blar...

We are A--U--T--O-m-a-t-i-c
We are SYS--T--E-m-a-t-i-c
We are automatic, systematic, highly energetic..

We VIs plan WDC
We VIs eat veggie for lunch
We VIs hile chinese garden
We VIs the almighty to be
VIs oh VIs
VIs the almighty to be to be
VIs oh VIs
VIs the almighty to be..

The 2 things i love doing to baoyu in WDC

1.Counting the number of moles on this arms, face, neck, anywhere i can spot.. haha :X
2.Going up, seating to him suddenly..
"i wanna tell you something real serious!!"
~giving him that serious face~
"you really really cute!!"
*pinch* at his cheek..
then i walked away..

Thursday, March 13, 2008

hey hey back from camp!! haha...
overall i give this camp ★★★★
ask me why not 5 stars..
cos there is still room for improvments..
but efforts given by everyone is 100% which deserves ★★★★★
Camp is really tiring la.. compared to last yr i slept even lesser.. haha..

3+3+3=9 which means 9 hours of sleep :P
haha.. i went home, bathe and "POMB" sleep like wooden log..
woke up at 6 prepare to meet QX but it was postpone.. then hang around the house left home at 7.. my mum forced me to go see doctor due to the "pimple" on my hands.. i left the clinic without seeing the doctor.. reached yewtee at 8.50.. talk-cock-ing while waited for alvin, mildred, QX.. QX was sick.. take care okie!! get well soon!!

super long never hang out with them already.. really missed it.. had dinner, or rather supper?? haha.. dunno what they ordered la.. i had coconut juice and fries.. haha.. we continue our talks.. had really great time laughing.. talking about camp, RC, everything under the sun.. we laugh so loudly like nobody's business lah.. we had this topic about planning a camp for the elderly.. and we imagine that if we have firedrill yet they still walking slowly.. and we screaming at them " fire and you can still walk" KAO!! cannot tarhan la.. imagine them doing footdrill hentak.. or doing evacuation exercise... GOSH!!! we laugh until nearly out of breath la..
went off at 11.15 ba.. my mum kept smsing me to go home.. spoiler la..

then hongyi,fiona,mildred,me head to cck.. alvin,bet,baoyu,qx head to yewtee..
on our way back.. fiona request hongyi something she missed him doing.. i was like ????? then he suddenly start "shui shui shui shui" and there he go.. singing the song from shui guo bin qi ling.. haha.. super funny la.. all 3 of us enjoyed his singing sia.. regent ppl all weird weird de.. haha..
i realise no1 took pictures of the food they ordered.. probably we were all hungry and ate once the food came.. haha..

here's the pretty and handsomes!!

then ytd was sleeping day. went doctor.. came back and sleep from 11 to 5 haha.. shoick la..

today went to return logistics from Hy to campsite and HQ.. thank you benjamin and baoyu for all the help.. i planned to watch rule#1 with my sister.. then baoyu suggested to watch cartoon.. so i called annie.. she says if he's handsome she's fine with everything la.. so we changed plans to watch horton.. then meet mr wong and headed to pioneer mall to get baoyu's psp fixed.. had lunch and off for movie.. haha... the movie was quite funny, its meaningful.. but i got so shoick when i realised that almost 85% were kids!!! haha.. thanks to baoyu la...

next week when i'm free i shall blog in details about the camp.. so long!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

right mildred?

Human do things with reasons.. but mary thinks without a brain.. or like my counsellor say that i always think too much, assume too much..

well today i got to know the real reasons behind the things "he" did... like i said i assume too much, and my whole week was like S***!! blaming myself what have i done not enough, not well, not perfect.. wah i really think too much...

not that i'm not recognised but he got his reason la..
if you dun tell me how i know? now that i know i feel better..
now i finally can get peace in mind and CHIONG for West District Camp 08!!