Thursday, November 21, 2013

Input as much as Output


I was still thinking whether to go SP study or just stay at home~
So i text MrWong see if he wanna have lunchie with me!
HaHaHa~ Motivation! So i head to school lar~~
Nothing special, i tried a few question for MSB~ Type some articles for FYP~
And went for lunch! Got BeeHoon with DaoKee with Shoick!

Then head to school for Internal Combustion Engine~ Mr Prasanta's lesson :)
Ended at 4pm because Dr Ivan is no where to be found~ LoLoLoLoLoL
So i faster head to Pioneer and wait for Durgez!

We went running at track for 8 rounds and walk for 3 round! not bad lar~ Chit Chat Chit Chat!
Then do some weights and some conditioning~
I still weight 55.2 after so much of running! Sianned!!

Bathe and head to NTUC buy biscuits~ HaHaHa~
Bought this MeiJi coffee & strawberry flavour!
Hopefully can last me through the night!
JiaYou for FYP!

Webcam with Jackie, he and jackson eating MY POTATO CHIPS!
Damn angry bird! HUR!

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